This Group is designed to come together as an Alumni Association and give back to our beloved school. Effective 2018-07-09 Saint Andrew Technical High School Alumni Association Canada Chapter became official as a Not-for-profit Corporation!
The STATHSCAN (Saint Andrew Technical High School Alumni Association Canada Chapter) donated $350 to the Mentorship Program in 2017 and $500 in 2018 to be used in a upcoming SOLAR Program which will benefit the school's electric bill.
We believe that if every single alumn committed to giving back as little as the equivalent of $10 or $20 Canadian dollars, we could have such a positive impact on our school and make a significant change in the lives of all future students, who inturn can change the world....Thanks to YOU!
Our Mission
Our Mission is to come together as a group committed to giving back to our school thereby enriching the lives of the current students. We would like to provide them opportunities that will prepare them for the world upon graduation.